Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 10, 2016 - A Prayer / Song - On the Occasion of Pastor Dayle Askey’s Retirement

To everything - turn, turn. turn,
There is a season - Turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven,

Yet when parting paths it’s often hard to tell
That kairos comes in every fare thee well.   So…

Let’s bow our heads and pause to pray
In great gratitude
For helping pilgrims
Lost in lives renewed.

Come Holy Spirit, come again
Please bless this day
For what is done
And what is left to do.

Our work and labor stay secure
When they tune our tongues
And magnify and tell the gospel
To everyone.

We marvel in Christ's mystery
Together, apart
Our journeys soon may separate
But never our hearts.

And beyond halos, harps, holy wings,
You’ve shown there’s more to heaven than these things.

You invited us to welcome all
Starting our hearts on fire
You furnished us with sacred space
To restore and inspire

Our days will now be different
Than how they have been
May we abide by faithfulness
Till we meet again.


Gary Schulstad

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