There are many from the choir and regular Lent goers, all familiar faces. A group that has been on a journey and has been on many journeys together. People dear to each other, at times missing the people who are no longer with us for the many reasons that will happen.
Before Creator I assumed the foundation of the church was belief and that if a congregation didn't share the same belief in God there would be inevitable estrangement. This was my experience of church in my past. When I let I committed to belonging to this community knowing people did not believe the same things but they made space for who I was and who I am. What we believe made less difference.
Along the way I came to know Creator's rhythm, shared joys and falls and so many members have become dear to me. We start Lent with Remember that you are dust ... and to dust you shall return, that reminder of our own mortality. No matter what happens. No matter how high we soar or how low we sink, we all return to the same place -- dust. A reminder that is meant to humble us. A reminder that the proper response to the maxim "The one who dies with the most toys wins" is "Wins what?" In the end, we're all worm food.
Yet tonight Holden Evening Prayer engaged us. Susan gave a message about heart, sharing her favorite quotes about the heart. She referenced Richard Rohr and many of us at Creator follow his readings. We sang about prayers and incense in these evening vespers and our souls proclaimed God's greatness once again.
The words are about God's greatness and the space seems to be all about a spare holiness.
We serve at the feet of humble, broken lives when we are doing the best we can best we to prepare ourselves through prayer, penance, repentance of sins, giving, self-denial and faith in atonement, probably forgetting (at least I do) in the hurry of daily life about what we know in our hearts we long to do.
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