Jim and Teresa became members at the same time my wife and I did so my thoughts were also on the many people I have come to know at Creator and those who are now on different paths
Families moving away from our geographic area can cause us to be sad since we won't be seeing them every Sunday but we can also rejoice in the new life they now have new opportunities to explore.
I explored a bit this week at worship. Breaking from my customary worship practice I worshiped with my wife sitting in the congregation rather than leading by singing and playing guitar.
Practicing worship differently on a particular Sunday fits in with the Gospel lesson for the day Luke 12:32-40 where Jesus says Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit. We may focus on what becomes second nature to us on a Sunday and may not appreciate the unique and varied ways we can "dress" for action. Making ourselves ready for the unexpected, as Jesus admonishes us, is not like insuring we have plans or the money to cover any future contingency. Setting our hearts to making a purse that does not wear out takes us to a different perspective on life.
The have your lamps lit language certainly brings to mind the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids. The parable directly addresses the idea of making ourselves ready for the unexpected. When I taught many years ago a Sunday School class when we addressed this parable the class asked me why the wise bridesmaids did not share their oil with the foolish ones. Sharing, after all, is a Christian virtue.
I did not have an answer to that question for many years. Now I think it s all about this readying of ourselves. What is the oil that keeps lamps burning and where does it come from. Those that understand it is internal and there through God's grace are prepared for the bridegroom. Those who do not know this will not have this reserve and they will go out into the "marketplace" for their oil. In essence they will rely on the judgement of others for self worth. The five wise bridesmaids cannot give their oil, their internal preparation to the foolish.
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