Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 16, 2016 - Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost - A Council Meeting Appreciation

My on call work pulled me away from worship Sunday during the sermon.  My report here would be, at best, incomplete.  Instead I ask your indulgence to write about something occupying the leadership of Creator at the moment - namely the deliberations of Creator's council regarding the make up of the Call Committee.

Last Monday's Council meeting was extraordinary and held some beautiful moments, although they were tough to recognize at the time. Ostensibly council needed to determine the next steps for determining the members of Creator's Call Committee.

Creator is blessed at this moment with more candidates than Creator needs.  The constitution stipulates "When a pastoral vacancy occurs, a Call Committee of six voting members shall be elected by this congregation. Term of office will terminate at installation of the newly called".

There was a discussion of our available options.  For some council members the constitution read we should have all candidates on the ballot and have each member vote for six, those with the most votes are the six on the committee.  Others felt a predetermined slate of candidates put before the congregation would satisfy the constitution.  There were different reasons why this looked attractive.  One reason was to insure there was a demographic balance in the committee which would not be guaranteed with a vote.  Another other was to insure all volunteered talents were used and to minimize the possibility of hurt feelings.

Others recommended having the first to volunteer be on the team or to randomly select them for the slate.  There was an added complication of having alternates or not and whether that number should be limited.

Going into additional details in this post would not be helpful.  Suffice it to say there were a number of alternatives with some council members championed and some they felt deeply uncomfortable in having Creator move forward to adopt.

What was beautiful to me was the honor and respect everyone with competing views had for one another while maintaining the sanctity of their convictions.  Pastor Michelle reminded us all no one person has the sole vision of the truth.  We need to resolve this as a community and I left the council meeting with a strong faith that we will.

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