I looked for hymns and music I didn't know and, thankfully, they were all familiar. I read through the Gospel lesson for an emotion or thought to emphasize or, at least, not contradict the messages in the readings.

I was getting ready to play guitar and sing the Hymn of the Day which was, as printed in the bulletin, I Want To Walk as a Child of the Light. Unexpectedly we played Thy Holy Wings, the next hymn, instead. Really just the music leaders were singing because the rest of the congregation did not known the words for this hymn. It was the Offertory hymn and the music could have been found there. Matt realized a good way through the first verse what was the "correct" hymn to play and we went back to the true Hymn of the Day.
Yet this out-of-order Thy Holy Wings connected deeply with me. I knew this hymn was one of my mother's favorites but had not thought about it until that brief time we were singing it. The Prayer of the People nestled in before the Offertory where my mother's name and my family's grief was included. Another performance of Thy Holy Wings bookended the prayer and this was a powerful moment for me.
That would have been enough but the service ended with Canticle of the Turning which held special significance since the song was sung at my son's baptism.
The musical connections in this service were obviously personal and provided an emotional context this Sunday in a moment that was meaningful.
The Oblique Strategies card for this Sunday was "Just carry on".
OS - Just carry on