Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 5, 2018 - Advent Wednesday Worship - Holden Evening Prayer

Pastor Ray is still in Alaska for his mother. Matt, Toni, Debi and I sang the leader parts of tonight's Holden Evening Prayer.

This service was a reminder that  those who gather come bringing different experiences. I talked to Chris and this was her first Holden Evening Prayer vesper and also to Mary and Toni, who experienced many Creator Holden Evening Prayers before I was even a member.

Toni planned and gave the service the structure it needed without Pastor Ray. The attendance was neither larger nor smaller than expected. Chris gave the two selected readings that definitively grounded tonight's service in scripture.

I remembered my first Holden Evening Prayer at Creator. I had no expectations and the music was overwhelmingly beautiful. When you are in the midst of people, all singing, that suddenly break into parts it can envelop and change your soul at that moment.

Annunciation by Scott Erickson
Singing the lead part with the others was not what I anticipated. Having multiple leaders was unique to my ears last night. When one person is singing the lead there is the call and congregational response that becomes second nature. I am also used to The Annunciation harmonies being sung by a soprano and alto. The "leader" group to "congregational" group was special. People passing down the story to people. Everyone knows and everyone sings.

The third verse of Joyous Light of Heav'nly Glory stood out for me as everyone sang. I know this was because of what I brought into the service from this last Sunday's worship but that, in no way, diminishes how moving this verse was tonight:

You who made the heaven's splendor, 
ev'ry dancing star of night,

Make us shine with gentle justice, 
let us each reflect your light.

Mighty God of all creation, 
gentle Christ who lights our way,

Loving Spirit of salvation, 
lead us on to endless day.

God emerges as our lead in an eternal dance.

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