Monday, May 20, 2019

May 19, 2019 - Fifth Sunday in Easter - A Baptism, A Consecration, Communions, and a New Commandment

During this Sunday's service there was the usual and a special outward sign of inner grace - namely communion and a baptism.

Evelyn was baptized today with the children in the congregation were invited and gathered close to the baptismal font together with family and sponsors during Evelyn's baptism.  They were part of the special excitement of that act of love and grace.

The  two NWWS on the final ballot.
Bishop-elect Shelley is on the left.
This was, all in all, an eventful weekend. The Holy Spirit moved the 2019 Northwest Washington Synod ELCA that met this weekend to call to the Office of Bishop, Bishop-Elect Pr. Shelley Bryan Wee.

And this Sunday evening, after the Oregon Synod Assembly, many Oregon Synod pastors who were predominantly Portland based, together with many others attended a consecration to the ministry of word and service of the newest Oregon Synod deacon - Bonnie Beadles-Bohling.

I attended this consecration. Bonnie and I worked together on Reconciling In Christ work for years and are friends. That has given me the opportunity to witness her incredible gifts and faith first-hand. And, as it was quoted in the service using the words of the immortal Sam Cooke, this recognition of the work she has done and is doing has "been a long, a long time coming".

So what did Creator's worship service and the consecration has in common besides both having happened this Sunday?

For me the day opened up the lectionary Gospel reading for the day, John 13:31-35. This is the passage in John about Jesus giving the disciples the new commandment. Pastor Ray preached that this might be better described as Jesus challenging the disciples, "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

So shouldn't the disciples already have been loving one another as Jesus loved them? There is a complexity in commanding others to love. Love is not directly created by rule. Using should rather than will changes the trajectory and acceptance of this commandment.

My wife pointed out that Jesus giving the disciples a "new commandment" means many things at once. The word commandment ties this back to the ten commandments. This invites us to view this in relationship to the commandments God gave Moses. The distinction Pastor Ray made here between challenge and commandment becomes clear.  With the exception of commandments 4 and 5 (honoring the Sabbath and keeping it holy and respecting your parents), all the others are restrictions. You shall not do this and you shall not do that.

The new commandment is not a restriction, it is aspirational goal. The word new signifies something as well beyond the new as opposed to old commandment label. It also signifies that Jesus constantly took loving his disciples to new levels. He is inviting them now to see this new level. This is agape love as opposed to other loves which are easier to find in this world and don't distinguish themselves as what only a disciple of Jesus would do,
Deacon Bonnie and
Pastor Amanda
For me that means the kind of service that Bonnie promised to continue at her consecration. Jesus washed the feet of every disciple including Judas, who Jesus knew would betray him. Jesus lives the life of the servant out in the world doing service, and is the one who loves everyone.

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