Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 8, 2022 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Mother's Day, Good Shepherd Sunday, Building Our Community and Our Christian Responses Today

Creator's Congregational Call  for May, 2022 - Dear Loving God,

Thank you for your compassion and mercy.  Thank you for our Creator congregation, our Oregon synod, and for our Bishop.

We pray Lord for your guidance as we evaluate what ministry means for our church, and we ask you to help all of us open our hearts to participate in the call to ministry.  We pray that our wants are your wants, that your vision of the church becomes our vision of the church.

God please hear our prayers for our brother and sister congregations, those who are in transition and searching for guidance as we are.  We ask your spirit to move among all people who are seeking to be in the church.  Help us to to be an impact for what you want the church to be, and please show us how to share your message of love, compassion, and grace.

We trust you Lord that you are continuing to prepare the heart of our future shepherd.  Please continue to bless our congregation, our synod, and our bishop as we all move forward in uncovering the dream that you have for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Glenn Chase was our supply pastor today. He preached about Mother's Day by quoting a touching tribute he wrote in a letter to his Mother. The he talked about how hard it was to preach this Sunday and transitioned to how difficult it was for him to preach on Good Shepard Sunday since he had little experience with sheep. The Gospel lesson was John 10:22-30 "my sheep hear my voice" Actually this was an amazing verse for the Sunday, after the leak of the Supreme Court's draft decision striking down Roe V. Wade.

"My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they will follow me." For some, Justice Alito's arguments in the draft decision may echo in their hearts as the voice of Jesus or God. They do not for me. The teachings of Jesus consistently move us along a journey to becoming more human. For some this leaked draft does just that, just as it does not for me.  It is the word of God that says the truth shall make us free. Relying on what 13th century common law defines as quickening, does not buttress what I feel in my heart today, but I will concede this is the voice of Jesus that others may hear speaking in their hearts.

I am curious and want to be in conversation to learn how to converse, build consensus, community, and a common response to the decisions that America will soon be making from here as a nation.

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April 21, 2024 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Shōgun and the Good Shepherd

“ I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. " John 10:11-18 This will not be short; my apologies. It’...