Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 27, 2022 - First Sunday In Advent - Anticipating the Emergence from Our Pandemic Cataclysm

Pastor Tim Herzfeldt-Kamprath presided today and preached on the Gospel text for the day. The lectionary moves to the gospel of Matthew for the coming church year.

When will the Son of Man come? The Gospel describes the days before Noah and the flood until the day Noah entered the ark and how the people did not know until the waters came and swept them away. No one, including Jesus, will know the time the Lord is coming.

Pastor Tim preached that the word translated as flood in this passage is actually the word for cataclysm, a violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change. The interesting meaning is in the or past of that definition. The pandemic has brought a fundamental change to the Creator church experience and I can't imagine too many churches that have not undergone that fundamental change.

Yet it is hard to break from what we traditionally know and to recognize what we, as church, need to become. Faithful, yet changing is a delicate balance. We should support one another in that balancing. We can look at each another and criticize. Or we can learn how to be community in a new way after the slow cataclysm we have gone through for years now.

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