Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 15, 2023 - Second Sunday after Epiphany - When God's People Function like GPS Locators While Following a Way

Pastor Steve preached about revelations and signs on this day as we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King. The sermon reflected on Jesus responding to the two disciples of John who asked where he was staying by answering  "Come and see".

The simplicity of the response is incredible. The sermon brought out the different possible responses for directions. Spoken directions could be given that would become too difficult to follow. A map could be given and Pastor Steve observed even that is now an old fashioned given GPS is a preferred method to find our ways. The season of Epiphany is a time for revelations. We look for signs and directions, and simultaneously we can give signs, of who Jesus is for us in our lives.  

Luka played drums today and it felt like a heartbeat in the music, 

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September 15, 2024 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - The Way of the Messiah Through Self-Giving, Not Domination

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