Saturday, May 13, 2023

May 7, 2023 - Fifth Sunday of Easter - Pastor Steve's Sermon - The Direction of God, The Direction of Jesus.

When entering Creator by going up 132nd there is a sign that looks like what is picture on the left. This reminds me of something Pastor Steve used as an illustration today regarding today's Gospel where Jesus tells us "I am the way".

For Pastor Steve he confessed he found it hard to find what he needed in a store and many times he asks for directions.  He appreciates when the salesperson offers "Let me take you there". 

He felt that was what Jesus says "I am the way". Like the salesperson he is essentially offering to act as the map to guide us to the place that has been prepared.

This sign on 132nd next to Creator is in keeping with that same understanding. Trying to be of help in getting you to your prepared place. It shifts the emphasis from the way you get there to the prepared place. It is not just tolerance of other beliefs in God but helping others get to their prepared place. And everyone has a prepared place.

Recently I was talking with someone who complained about how "woke" everything was. I asked him what he thought "woke" meant and he said that being "woke" or socially aware includes an understanding and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Diversity refers to recognizing and valuing differences among people, including differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and ability. Equity refers to creating a level playing field for everyone, so that all people have equal opportunities to succeed regardless of their backgrounds. Inclusion refers to creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued, regardless of their differences.

Together, DEI represents a framework for addressing social inequalities and promoting fairness and justice. When someone describes being "woke" as including a commitment to DEI, they are emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing social injustices, particularly those related to discrimination and marginalization of certain groups.

Overall, the concept of being "woke" has evolved over time and can be defined in different ways by different people. However, for many, it includes a commitment to promoting social justice and equity, including through a focus on DEI.

So I wondered why my friend took umbrage to this. For me DEI reminded me of "Imago Dei". This is a Latin phrase that translates to "image of God." The concept of Imago Dei comes from the Bible, specifically from Genesis 1:26-27, which states that God created humans in his own image and likeness.

The Imago Dei is a fundamental concept in Christian theology and philosophy, and it has been interpreted in different ways throughout history. Some of the most common interpretations of Imago Dei include:

  1. Rationality: This view holds that humans are made in the image of God because they possess rationality, which distinguishes them from animals and allows them to understand and appreciate God's creation.

  2. Creativity: Another interpretation of Imago Dei emphasizes humans' creative abilities, which are seen as reflecting God's own creative power.

  3. Relationship: Some theologians interpret Imago Dei as referring to humans' capacity for relationships, particularly with God and with other humans. This view emphasizes the importance of community and love in human life.

  4. Moral responsibility: Finally, some theologians interpret Imago Dei as referring to humans' moral responsibility and capacity for moral reasoning. This view emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior and the pursuit of justice.

Overall, the concept of Imago Dei emphasizes the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings, regardless of their race, gender, or social status. It also highlights the responsibility that humans have to care for and respect one another, as well as for the natural world that God has created.

I found out his work required him to take DEI training. As he described it, this training, for him, was prescriptive. They talked about how he should use the label "latinex". He was actually married to a woman he described as a Wise Latina, and his kids are Latina guys and girls. For him Latinex was a PC term he would never use.They also said the goal was to be "color-blind". He took exception.

I believe I would have taken umbrage with that kind of training. so he and I had pasts with DEI that were very different. I respect his experiences and we had a conversation where he ended up respecting mine.

When talking about God we need to understand the different experiences that will be engaged in our conversation to have a more meaningful conversation.

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