Monday, September 16, 2024

September 15, 2024 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - The Way of the Messiah Through Self-Giving, Not Domination

The way of the Messiah transforms the world. A breath-taking claim, why should it be keep a secret from the world? For the disciples and the Jewish people of the time the messiah (from the Hebrew "mashiach," meaning "anointed one") was a future Jewish king from the Davidic line - anointed with holy anointing oil, rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age. They expected he would bring about the ultimate redemption and restoration of Israel. This figure was expected to bring peace, rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel.

Jesus Christ (Christ also meaning anointed in Greek) taught the Messiah fulfills the Old Testament prophecies differently. Pastor Emillie preached about what Jesus was teaching through his life, death, and ultimate resurrection, Jesus provided salvation to humanity and completed the messianic prophecy by another way. The way of the Messiah through self-giving, not by domination through power. This established God's eternal kingdom through transformation.

Her example of a form of self-giving was taken from the toilet paper hoarding that happened during the pandemic. She first mentioned how, after seeing a roll for sale in the store, someone with many rolls in their basket would take that one as well. Then she put the congregation in the hoarder's shoes and expressed the thought of how someone caught in that situation might want to figure out how to change that decision.

In her sermon she pointed out that Caesarea Phillippi, where this talk took place, was known for its idol worship. The city had a significant shrine dedicated to the Greek god Pan, and there were various other shrines and temples in the region. As a center of Gentile (non-Jewish) worship and a place where different religious traditions intersected this was a powerful place for this conversation. 

In some ways besides the idea of the Messiah being a great teacher the idea that the anointed one would restore Israel and rule as king had it's share of idol-worship wrapped up in that conception of the Messiah. This expectation did not take into consideration the scriptural references to suffering which were prevalent in Samuel and the Psalms as well. In the Old Testament the person most associated with the anointed one is King David. He was anointed three times. One privately by Samuel, then publicly as king of Judea and was finally pubicly anointed King of Israel. 

Creator is celebrating "God's Work, Our Hands" all this month. There was a blessing today over all that we have gathered.

The music came across as particularly heartfelt as the congregation performed it today. Members like the Tree of Life liturgy by Marty Haugen. The Communion song Taste and See echoed throughout the sanctuary this morning and felt invitational.

A barbecue after the service celebrated Pastor Emillie being our pastor for a year. The meal took place after the service and was enjoyed by those who attended. The congregation gave her a plant, a card and a gift,

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