Monday, September 30, 2024

September 29, 2024 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Coincidence or Providence?


Pastor Emillie started her sermon by saying Esther is her favorite book in the Bible. She also pointed out a main point as she summarized the story. God is never in Esther. 

And how often do we chalk up the events in our lives to coincidence without thinking that God may be working in ways we cannot apprehend? Esther didn’t see herself as someone chosen by God. She didn’t hear a voice from a burning bush like Moses or witness the parting of the Red Sea. Yet, through a series of seemingly random events, she became an instrument of God’s deliverance.

When we look at our own lives, are we recognizing the "coincidences" as part of a larger, divine plan? The people we meet, the jobs we find ourselves in, the trials and blessings we encounter—could these all be moments where God is orchestrating something much larger than we can see?

Also, beyond all the holy people whose stories we know from the Bible, can God work with people who are deeply flawed like us? How can we and how do we respond when we are put in positions of authority over others, particularly those we don't like. When God gives us wealth or abilities we should not fall to the temptation of acting out of revenge. We must see our wealth and our abilities as our responsibility to advance God's kingdom, serve people down to the least deserving, and fight injustice.  

Queen Esther violated many Jewish laws and traditions, yet she risked her comfort for the sake of her people. Are we willing to do the same? In a world that often tells us to seek comfort and security, the gospel calls us to risk much for the sake of love. Whether that means giving generously, speaking out against injustice, or using our influence to protect the vulnerable, the story of Esther’s show us an example of what we are sometimes called to do.

These verses also call us to remember that, in God's economy, wealth is measured differently. This is one reason Jesus emphasizes how the right response that might fly against our better instincts of what is best for us. We may feel hurt in this world by making the right choice but the result is what God wants in bringing about God's kindom,

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September 29, 2024 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Coincidence or Providence?

  Pastor Emillie started her sermon by saying Esther is her favorite book in the Bible. She also pointed out a main point as she summarize...