Thursday, December 19, 2024

December 15, 2024 - Third Sunday of Advent - Act from Joy

Pastor Emillie started her sermon with John’s phrases "brood of vipers"and " the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fires" - powerful indictments that are hard to to ignore even if you want to. The label is aimed at exposing the sin, hypocrisy, and spiritual arrogance of those listening.  In Luke’s account, John the Baptist yells this at the crowd: "You brood of vipers!”. Is he accusing every Jew of infidelity or specific groups of Jews in the crowd — people who held power over other Jews — those who hoarded their wealth without regard for the poor; those who collected taxes on behalf of Rome to enrich themselves; and those serving in Caesar’s army who threatened the weak collecting bribes and extorting? 

Are those in power the “vipers" that will be consumed by holy fire? Or is he really speaking to all of us? John's is a call to repentance and a warning that judgment is near, aligning with his role as the forerunner of Christ. Is this also a call to joy as we are celebrating on this day? 

This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. In many Advent wreaths, the third candle is pink — not the traditional purple — to represent rejoicing. Two of today’s readings begin with rejoicing and the third ends with the proclamation of good news. Rejoice … rejoice … Good news! That joy, however, isn’t light-hearted celebration and mirth. Borrowing a memorable phrase from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Advent joy isn’t “cheap.” It is costly. Because all three of the lectionary readings are also about injustice.

Given this Advent and what seems to be coming perhaps this third candle should be red rather than pink to symbolize the anger or bloody violent rhetoric that seems to be promised in our future. And yes, light that red candle! Watch it turn into the equivalent of a pyre to melt the corruption, captivity, and collusion that is being reported around us. A baby-pink candle feels far too weak and totally unsuited for this particular Advent wreath. Or, at least, so I thought this week as I read this Luke text for this season.

Pastor Emillie's sermon changed my mindset She observed that the crowd does not protest John's indictments but rather asks "What then should we do?" She feels they have experienced some sort of repentance or, as in the literal translation of the Greek "a change of mind.

John's answers to their question are sensible, practical ways to feel joy. “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none", tax collectors: “Collect no more than the amount prescribed for you.” and soldiers: Do not extort money from anyone by threats or false accusation, and be satisfied with your wages.”   

This is a good test for our times. Is the response we are giving to a particular situation filling us with joy or not? Too often we act from the reason that we have no other option. We do not choose, or act, out of joy. John gives us simple, practical ways to act out of joy. 

John is speaking to us today.

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