Sunday, July 2, 2023

July 2, 2023 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Prophets Speak a Message from God - Pastor Steve's Last Sermon Presiding at Creator & the Call Committee Retirement

This was Pastor Steve's last service to currently preside over Creator's worship. Pastor Emillie and her family were present. The timing of Pastor Emillie coming on board at this time was fortuitous and, frankly, a little amazing. The Call Committee went through a "retirement" as a group today and I reflected on the entire call journey as we stood before the congregation. 

We needed to make budget recommendations to council at the beginning of this year so we needed to predict when Creator could expect a new, called pastor. Council and the Call Committee agreed on the start of July. When Pastor Emillie accepted ouher call she hoped to take a long-planned trip to Africa in June. Pastor Steve found timing worked with family plans he had for summer.This was one of many times during the call process when the timing of certain events could not have been better synchronized for everyone affected. 

Pastor Steve preached today about pastors being a prophetic voice for their congregations. This echoed what was preached at Pastor Emillie's ordination service. The timing here is particularly appropriate to reflect on that particular role a pastor undertakes. When a newly called pastor of a congregation begins the ministry of the church they serve the importance of the prophetic gives us a chance to ponder an aspect of church that can be overwhelmed by daily activities and the dynamics of relationship.

Obviously this will become braided with the "pastoral' role of a congregational pastor, which is equally important. 

Pastor Steve's grandchildren were present at the service as well. The Children's Time was all about the ways we can come to know God, not only with our ears, hearing the word, but with our eyes seeing the cross and the banners and with our mouths as we partake of communion to remember Jesus and what he did and does for us.

Tomorrow begins a new kind of work. Today's service convinced me Creator and Pastor Emillie, all of us together, are up for the task.

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